Sleepy Girl Mocktail - Delicious sleep inducing mocktail recipe.

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Sleepy Girl Mocktail - Delicious sleep inducing mocktail recipe. - Heylo MG

A Sleepy Girl Mocktail can be a calming and soothing drink that helps you relax and unwind before bed. Here’s a recipe with ingredients known for their calming properties, including magnesium, which is great for relaxation.

Sleepy Girl Cocktail Recipe



  1. In a shaker, combine tart cherry juice, honey, and vanilla extract. Shake gently to mix.
  2. Fill a glass with ice cubes, pour the mixture over the ice.
  3. Top it off with the Magnesium Sparkling Water.
  4. Stir gently to combine.
  5. Garnish with a sprig of fresh lavender or a slice of lemon for a bit of extra fragrance.

Enjoy as a delicious, calming, and sleep-promoting cocktail before bed!

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